Tuesday, January 15, 2013


A city where humans rub shoulders with scores of alien races; a future where high technology is pervasive and often destructive; and underneath the surface dangerous,  otherworldly Mythos entities lie in wait for a time when they can be free again to bring annihilation.  Welcome to Jeffrey Thomas’s insane off-world future of Punktown.

What is Punktown?  Paxton,  Punktown to its inhabitants, is a human colony on a distant planet.   The city is teeming with alien life and cultures that often clash usually ending in bloodshed, or whatever the alien race has for blood.  Technology of the setting is highly advanced and teleportation, cloning, ray guns, and body implants are commonplace.  However, this is not Star Trek.  The technological marvels corrupt, destroy, and emotionally degrade the users.  What does it feel like to live in such a city?  Take one part detective noir mystery, one part Phillip K. Dick nightmare, two parts Cthulhu Mythos, and add a dash of violent crime and urban decay in equal measure, shake until frothy, then consume.    The stories Thomas writes in the Punktown universe are dark, dangerous, and often lethal for the protagonists: the perfect setting for a Call of Cthulhu campaign.  If one wished to get a feel for the setting there are two free stories of Mr. Thomas available free online:

The Library of Sorrows- http://infinityplus.co.uk/stories/library.htm
The Hate Machines- http://infinityplus.co.uk/stories/hatemachines.htm

 The Mythos veterans at Miskatonic River Press, thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, have put together a source book set in this setting due out this August.  The Sourcebook will use the Chaosium BRP Roleplaying system most widely used for Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying.  The lineup of material planned is quite extensive
·         An extensive list and statistics for the Aliens, Technology, Mutations, Drugs, and Weaponry       
·         An in-depth map of the city (A first of its kind)
·         Two all new Punktown stories written by Jeffrey Thomas
·         Multiple Pre-written scenarios with artwork and maps
The real gem of this endeavor is Thomas himself taking a role in the creative process.  He has actively promoted the kickstarter, participated in multiple online Q and A sessions involving the setting, and actively partnered with Miskatonic to make sure the vision of his fictional city is accurate.  It is as if H. P. Lovecraft is overseeing the creation of the original Call of Cthulhu RPG to make sure they got the Deep Ones just right.     

So crack open a Zub beer, watch your back, and roll those sanity checks!

For further inquiry, visit the fine people at Miskatonic River Press: http://www.miskatonicriverpress.com/
Be sure to check out Jeffrey Thomas Punktown Homepage:
For digital and Hardbound Punktown literature check out his Amazon authors page http://www.amazon.com/Jeffrey-Thomas/e/B000APMJZ4/ref=la_B000APMJZ4_rf_p_n_feature_browse-b_2?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_82%3AB000APMJZ4%2Cp_n_feature_browse-bin%3A618073011&bbn=283155&ie=UTF8&qid=1358210133&rnid=618072011

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