Thursday, February 7, 2013

Forbidden Knowledge

Delta Green is a Modern Day campaign setting for Call of Cthulhu whereby the investigators take on the role of government agents, unauthorized government agents, trying to stem the tide of the Mythos.  Since the players actions are “off the books” they cannot just store any old jar of proto-shoggoth in a sanctioned facility.  This is where the Green Boxes come in.  A Green Box is a location where previous Agents of Delta Green stored things.  This could be anything from mythos artifacts, to weapons, to tradecraft items, or anything else that the previous occupants left behind.  It is a grab bag of crazy.  To keep with the randomness of what a location might hold the Delta Green community made an online Green Box generator, which Isak Strom recently reactivated.  Just enter how many of each category and quicker than you can lose 1d6+1 sanity there is a list of random items.  This generator can easily be adapted to almost any modern setting that needs weird and strange items. 

Check out the Green Box Generator here   

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